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St Joseph's Camberwell Catholic Schools' Federation

Academic Results

Key Stage 1 Tests and Assessments

At the end of Key Stage 1 (KS1), children sit National Curriculum test in English and mathematics, commonly called SATs.

Teachers use these tests to help them measure your child's performance and identify their needs as they move into key stage 2. They also allow teachers to see how your child is performing against national expected standards.

End of KS1 Attainment Data

Due to Covid-19 there is no Performance Data for 2019-20

Key Stage 2 Tests and Assessments

At the end of Key Stage 2 (KS2), children sit National Curriculum tests in Reading, Grammar, Punctuation and Spellings and Mathematics, commonly called SATs.

Children's writing is based on Teacher Assessment.

Teachers use these tests and assessments to help them measure your child's performance and progress. They also allow teachers to see how your child is performing against national standards.

  • working towards the expected standard
  • working at the expected standard - meeting 'age-related expectations'
  • working at greater depth within the expected standard - seen to have mastered the learning expected for their age and stage and have been delving into it in greater detail

End of KS2 Attainment Data

Due to Covid-19 there is no Performance Data for 2019-20


Performance against national expected standards are reported as:

The Department for Education publishes performance tables for the school based on Key Stage 2 results and school characteristics. The report can be found on the Department for Education website. 



Infant School DfE Performance Data

Junior School DfE Performance Data