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St Joseph's Camberwell Catholic Schools' Federation


How do we translate our session into practice?

  • The curriculum hours in RE are non-negotiable and will be followed by all staff in the school.  Fixed timetables will be set every term and monitored by the Senior Leadership Team of the school.
  • The staffing and resourcing devoted to RE is of the highest standard
  • The Subject Leader for RE will meet the Senior Leadership Team to evaluate provision in order to ensure that teaching and learning in RE is good or outstanding.  Where necessary, staff will receive coaching and training in RE.
  • Our pupils are inspired by exceptional teaching and consistently high expectations across the school through the ‘The Way the Truth and the Life’ scheme of work.
  • Each year group will study a number of units over the year.  The units are developmental, building on previous knowledge and experience and taking into account of the children’s age and understanding. 
  • The topics covered by each year group are as detailed on the curriculum overview.
  • The RE curriculum will include guest speakers who are specialists in their area and guest speakers from Catholic charities will also visit schools such as CAFOD and Father Victor.
  • RE is taught individually but plays a central role in all areas of school life.
  • High quality teaching responds to the needs of children.  Spiral learning is a key focus of all formative and summative assessment with teachers actively marking work in lessons in order to identify misconceptions early.
  • Children will be highly engaged in RE lessons through the use of a variety of sources such as religious stories, scripture, religious artwork, songs, music, dance and religious signs and symbols.
  • The life and work of key figures in the History of the people of God will be studied for example, lives of the saints.
  • Approaches will include whole class teaching, group activities and individual work. Children will have opportunities to work individually as well as cooperatively and collaboratively, developing their own knowledge and expertise as well as sharing experiences with others.
  • High quality input from experts and educational resources complement the delivery of specialist learning admirably.
  • Pupils will participate in Mass, feast days, Holy days collective worship which will involve religious actions and worship including the celebration of the sacraments.
  • The use of visits and visitors in school will enhance the RE curriculum.